
PrimeFaces - HotKey with Ajax update

[Last Updated: Mar 22, 2018]

This example shows how to use PrimeFaces HotKey binding with ajax calls.


In this example, we are going to navigate server side List by binding left/right keys on the client side.

JSF page


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
    <h2>PrimeFaces - HotKey Example</h2>
        <p:hotkey bind="left"

        <p:hotkey bind="right"

        <h:outputText id="itemDisplay" value="#{itemsBean.item}"/>
    <div id="keyDiv"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function showKey(direction){


In above page, we are also displaying what key is pressed by calling local JavaScript function before Ajax call is dispatched (via 'onstart' attribute).

Managed Bean

public class ItemsBean {
  private List<String> items = Arrays
          .asList("1) Malevolence Statuette", "2) Tranquility Fruit", "3) Impurity Urn", "4) Grave Gem",
                  "5) Domination Door", "6) Seal of Valor", "7) Seal of Venom", "8) Robes of Spite");
  private int index = -1;

  public void selectPreviousItem(ActionEvent ae) {
      //circular navigation
      index = index == -1 || index == 0 ? items.size() - 1 : index - 1;

  public void selectNextItem(ActionEvent ae) {
      //circular navigation
      index = index == items.size() - 1 ? 0 : index + 1;

  public String getItem() {
      return index == -1 ? "" : items.get(index);

To try examples, run embedded tomcat (configured in pom.xml of example project below):

mvn tomcat7:run-war


On pressing left or right key:

Example Project

Dependencies and Technologies Used:

  • primefaces 6.2: PrimeFaces is one of the most popular UI libraries in Java EE Ecosystem and widely used by software companies, world renowned brands, banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, universities and more. [Description from primefaces-6.2.pom]
  • jsf-api 2.2.14: This is the master POM file for Oracle's Implementation of the JSF 2.2 Specification.
  • jsf-impl 2.2.14: This is the master POM file for Oracle's Implementation of the JSF 2.2 Specification.
  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven 3.3.9

HotKey With Ajax Update Example Select All Download
  • primefaces-hot-key-with-ajax-update
    • src
      • main
        • java
          • com
            • logicbig
              • example
        • webapp
          • index.xhtml

    See Also