Java String Formatting Java This example shows how to use precision with floating-point in scientific notation with String#printf() Syntax: or x.yE; where x= padding (width) and y= precision. This is used for controlling the length of the decimal points. package com.logicbig.example.string;
public class StringPrintfScientificPrecision {
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.printf("%1.2e%n", 987.65); System.out.printf("[%10.2e]%n", 987.65); System.out.printf("[%-10.1e]%n", 987.65); System.out.printf("%5.2E%n", 987.65); } }
Output9.88e+02 [ 9.88e+02] [9.9e+02 ] 9.88E+02