Example Tutorials based on Spring Data JPA Project.
JPA Data getting started example.
Understanding query methods.
How nested properties are resolved?
Using special keywords in query methods to limit query results.
LIKE expressions example
Derived Count Query Methods Example
Spring data with JPA @NamedQuery example.
Using @Query annotation to specify JPQL on the repository method directly.
Using JPQL LIKE operator with Spring specific advance expression.
Using SQL native query with @Query.
Using @Param with declared queries to declare named parameters.
Using #entityName in declared queries.
How to use #entityName to create a Generic Repository?
Sorting via Sort instance.
Using Pageable parameter to perform pagination.
How to use Slice for pagination?
How to use Page for pagination?
PagingAndSortingRepository Example
Spring Data JPA basic web support with DomainClassConverter
Spring Data JPA web support with PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver
How to use Spring Data pagination with Thymeleaf View?
Implementing sorting and pagination with Thymeleaf view.
Querydsl Example.
Integrating Querydsl into Spring Web MVC.
Accessing collection relations via default bindings
Querydsl query param bindings customization.
Importing JSON Data to populate JPA entities.
Importing XML Data to populate JPA entities.
Using Transactions
@Modifying example
Example of modifying derived delete queries.
Using interface-based projects in Spring Data JPA
Nested Projection Example
Open Projections Example
Projection interface with default method for custom logic
Forwarding calls to bean method from projection SpEL.
Class Based Projection Example
Dynamic Projection Example
Using @Procedure to call HSQLDB stored procedure
@Procedure + @NamedStoredProcedureQuery + oracle ref cursor
Using Spring Data specification to execute JPA criteria queries.
Combined Specifications
Basics of Query By Example
ExampleMatcher examples
Optimistic locking example in Spring Data JPA
@Lock annotation example
Spring Data JPA basic auditing
@CreatedBy And @LastModified Example