These tutorials demonstrate how Spring JDBC modules simplifies the use of JDBC API.
Spring Support of JDBC Operations. The interface JdbcOperations. Overview of Spring JDBC API.
Using Spring JdbcTemplate in an exmaple project.
Using Spring NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to simplify JDBC use further. JdbcTemplate vs NamedParameterJdbcTemplate, with example project.
Using Spring JdbcTemplate for JDBC batch update. BatchPreparedStatementSetter and ParameterizedPreparedStatementSetter with examples.
How to get newly generated primary key with JdbcTemplate?
Using IN operator in SQL statements to pass Java Collection values?
Using Spring JdbcTemplate, CallableStatementCreator, SimpleJdbcCall and StoredProcedure examples to call database stored procedure. Using embedded HSQL to call stored procedure from Spring.
SimpleJdbcInsert Example.
SimpleJdbcInsert getting generated primary key Example.
SimpleJdbcCall Example.
SimpleJdbcCall REF Cursor Example.
Using SqlQuery as reusable query object.
Understanding subclasses of SqlQuery with examples.
Performing insert, delete, update using SQlUpdate
BatchSqlUpdate example for performing batch updates.
Persisting and loading large objects with JdbcTemplate
Persisting and loading large objects with JdbcTemplate + LobHandler
How to use PlatformTransactionManager to perform programmatic transaction?
Simplifying programmatic transaction with TransactionTemplate?
@Transactional annotation example.
Using 'rollbackFor' attribute of @Transactional annotation.
Correct use of @Transactional
How to unit test data access using an embedded database?
Using JdbcTestUtils class to simplify standard database testing scenarios.
Connecting MySql Server.
Connecting Oracle Database Server.
How Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy helps to implement DAO pattern?