This example shows how to use Primefaces Timeline component.
JSF page
<h2>Java Version Timeline</h2>
<p:timeline value="#{timelineBean.model}"
public class TimelineBean {
private TimelineModel model;
private Date startDate;
private Date endDate;
protected void init() {
model = new TimelineModel();
addVersion(1996, 1, 23, "JDK 1.0 - Oak");
addVersion(1997, 2, 19, "JDK 1.1");
addVersion(1998, 12, 8, "J2SE 1.2 - Playground");
addVersion(2000, 5, 8, "J2SE 1.3 - Kestrel");
addVersion(2002, 2, 6, "J2SE 1.4 - Merlin");
addVersion(2004, 9, 30, "J2SE 5.0 - Tiger");
addVersion(2006, 12, 11, "Java SE 6 - Mustang");
addVersion(2011, 12, 7, "Java SE 7 - Dolphin");
addVersion(2014, 3, 18, "Java SE 8 - Spider");
startDate = getDate(1995, 1, 1);
endDate = getDate(2017, 9, 15);
private void addVersion(int year, int month, int day, String desc) {
model.add(new TimelineEvent(desc, getDate(year, month, day)));
private Date getDate(int year, int month, int day) {
Instant instant = LocalDate.of(year, month, day)
return Date.from(instant);
public TimelineModel getModel() {
return model;
public Date getStartDate() {
return startDate;
public Date getEndDate() {
return endDate;
To try examples, run embedded tomcat (configured in pom.xml of example project below):
mvn tomcat7:run-war
Example ProjectDependencies and Technologies Used: - primefaces 6.1 primefaces
- jsf-api 2.2.14:
This is the master POM file for Oracle's Implementation of the JSF 2.2 Specification.
- jsf-impl 2.2.14:
This is the master POM file for Oracle's Implementation of the JSF 2.2 Specification.
- JDK 1.8
- Maven 3.3.9