In this example, we will learn how to build a tabView to display tabbed pages in PrimeFaces. We will provide the list of tabs from our managed bean instead of statically using tab tag in the jsf page.
JSF page
<h2>PrimeFaces TabView Example</h2>
<c:forEach items="#{tabBean.tabs}" var="tabInfo" varStatus="vs">
<p:tab title="#{tabInfo.title}">
<ui:include src="#{}.xhtml"/>
Note that we used JSTL's c:forEach in this example instead of JSF ui:repeat (or instead of value attribute of tabView tag). That's because our nested tag ui:include is evaluated during view build phase whereas ui:repeat runs during view render phase; that means ui:repeat loop can't evaluate #{} during build phase.
The manage bean
public class TabBean {
private List<TabInfo> tabs;
public void init() {
tabs = Arrays.asList(new TabInfo("About", "about"),
new TabInfo("Reviews", "reviews"),
new TabInfo("Contact Us", "contact-us")
public List<TabInfo> getTabs() {
return tabs;
public class TabInfo {
private final String title;
private final String page;
To try examples, run embedded tomcat (configured in pom.xml of example project below):
mvn tomcat7:run-war
Example ProjectDependencies and Technologies Used: - primefaces 6.1 primefaces
- jsf-api 2.2.14:
This is the master POM file for Oracle's Implementation of the JSF 2.2 Specification.
- jsf-impl 2.2.14:
This is the master POM file for Oracle's Implementation of the JSF 2.2 Specification.
- jstl 1.2 javax.servlet:jstl
- JDK 1.8
- Maven 3.3.9