Java Platform Module System quick examples.
Getting started with Java 9 Modules.
Developing and running Java 9 Modules in Eclipse IDE .
Developing and running Java 9 Modules in IntelliJ IDE .
Understanding unnamed modules.
Understanding root modules.
Understanding automatic modules.
What are Split Packages?
Splitting packages between a name Module and an Automatic Modules?
Splitting packages in two automatic modules example.
Different Compilation Modes in Java 9.
Developing, compiling and running multi-module code.
Developing Service Providers as Java 9 Modules.
The provider class with provider() method example.
Understanding Qualified Exports with an example.
Accessing objects reflectively in Java 9 modules.
How code existed in JDK 8 can still work which uses setAccessible() for JDK internals?
Java 9 Modules + Maven + IntelliJ.