
JAX-RS - @QueryParam Examples


import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class OrderService {
public String getOrders(@QueryParam("stateCode") String stateCode,
@QueryParam("dateFrom") String fromDateString,
@QueryParam("dateTo") String toDateString,
@DefaultValue("-1") @QueryParam("pageStart") int pageStart,
@DefaultValue("-1") @QueryParam("pagesSize") int pageSize) {
String message = "Started from all orders. ";
if (stateCode != null) {
//validate state code and get related orders
message += "filtered orders for the state " + stateCode + ". ";

if (fromDateString != null && toDateString != null) {
//validate and parse dates to date objects and
//get related orders
message += "Filtered orders for the date range, from "
+ fromDateString + " to " + toDateString + ". ";

//to pagination
if (pageStart != -1 && pageSize != -1) {
message += " Did pagination from order start: "
+ pageStart + ", pagesSize: " + pageSize;

return message;

public String getOrderById(
@PathParam("orderId") String orderId) {
return "returning order with id " + orderId;

//conversion rules applied to BigDecimal as it has a constructor with
//String parameter.
public String getOrderItemsPricedGreaterThan(@PathParam("orderId") String orderId,
@QueryParam("minPrice") BigDecimal minPrice) {
String message = "Starting with all items for order id: "+orderId+". ";
if(minPrice!=null) {
// find order greater than min price
message += "Filtered items with price greater than inclusively: "
+ minPrice.toPlainString();
return message;
Original Post

See Also